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Zero to a Hundred.. Real Quick

Updated: Apr 22, 2020

So as you can probably tell by now, I’m new to blogging. I hope that what I write reaches the right people. I have so many things I could talk about it’s unfathomable! I’m 32 and I switch gears real quick from working full time, recording albums, performing around the country just go go go… to stay at home mom/entrepreneur. This last year has been such a life changer for me. It’s not easy starting your own business. Friends want free shoots (and your happy to do it because you need the experience and exposure). But how do you make money as a photographer just starting out?

Well I have been at it for about a year and I must say, my business has done very well for it’s first year. I’ve grown up in the world of photography thanks to my Mother and my Grandfather but neither of them made it their full time money maker. So there I was with a camera and a dream. But I wanted to start a business! Here’s how I started.

Yes, you need to shoot EVERYTHING! A good portfolio is crucial! So if you don’t know your camera like the back of your hand, learn it! You need to know the basics of your camera first and foremost. (ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed ect..) You can’t call yourself a photographer if you can’t shoot in manual mode. Knowledge is such an important part of creating the image you want. Find a way to educate yourself no matter how much you think you know, you can always improve. Not only is technology changing every day, but there is always something new to learn.

My opinion is that equipment matters! I invested in a mirrorless full frame camera pretty early on and it makes a world of difference. The image quality is stunning. Switching cameras meant starting over. I started with one lens (50mm f1.8) and used it for my first entire wedding! It’s great for portraits and a little challenging for the groups and ceremony, but I made it work. I had a happy couple and the money I made helped me invest in a more versatile lens.

I was fortunate enough to have the support of my husband the first year I started my business and re-invest the money I made with photography, back into photography.

I could go on and on, but we have to stop somewhere. Next week I’ll share with you how I booked my first wedding.

Till next time!



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